For the Student

  • The course includes 104 videos made with students from the University of Milan.
  • The videos present real communicative situations of everyday life an Italian environment and depict an up close view Italian life and culture.
  • Videos can be downloaded to be viewed several times, even without an online connection.
  • The texts of the videos constitute a reference base for readings and activities and can be downloaded and provides while completing exercises, and can be read at will.
  • The course presents basic communication functions with the required vocabulary and grammar: singular and plural nouns and adjectives, gender, definite and indefinite articles, prepositions, regular and irregular verbs in the present , past, imperfect and future tenses.
  • Every lesson includes assessments that facilitate comprehension, writing and speaking.
  • Includes contextual dictionary.
  • Allows work recovery, continuation, correction and completion.
  • At the end of each section the student completes assessments: a WORKING ALONE section, a REVIEW, and a QUIZ GAME..
  • Student can print all the exercises at the end of each stage by pressing, “ITEM PRINT”
  • The technology further provides:
    *REC – option to record one’s voice and save a file, check the work and obtain a grade.
    *TUTORIAL – detailed instructions for the lesson.
    *CHAT – technical support
    *FAQ – resolution of issues that may arise.

For the Teacher

Instructor s adopting the course have access to the following:

  • Ability to view and print the program in its entirety, including teacher instructions and grammar explanations for each lesson.
  • Utilization of the entirety of the Course.
  • Activating an instructor reserved area.
  • Printing student register.
  • Sending communications on study plan specifying assignment due dates and times allotted; with individual or group notes.
  • Obtain overall view of student work completed with date, completion time and percentage of correct responses.
  • Checking assignments completed with correct and incorrect responses.
  • Viewing the Working Alone activities and listening to the students’ possible interpretation of the material.
  • Evaluating Working Alone assignment completed by students.
  • A wealth of abridged texts that highlight all aspects of Italian culture.

Course Features

  • Activities 936
  • Re-take Course 5
  • Lenght 12 + 12 Weeks
  • Effort 5-7 hours per Week
  • Level Beginners
  • Language Italian

Buy Now!

Lo studente che acquista anche il secondo semestre avrà uno sconto di 58 dollari e pagherà in tutto 108 dollari!

ISBN 1° Sem.: 978-88-942326-8-4

ISBN 2° Sem.: 978-88-942326-9-1