55. Un biglietto per il treno
A train ticket
Three friends heading to Rome meet at the train station. They need to purchase a ticket but the lines at the automated booth are too long.
56. Ritardo del treno
Train delay
Tickets are purchased and the students head towards the track. The train is extremely delayed and there is no sign of it.
57. Vagone ristorante
Dining car
The trip finally begins and the girls suggest eating in the dining car. They reserve a time with the conductor.
58. Tra quattro fermate
In four stops
Nadia wants to go to Pizza Duomo but she is on the wrong subway line. A fellow passenger directs her to the correct path.
59. Che linea prendi?
Which ferry line will you take?
A short stay on the island of Elba will require some planning and even without a car, taking a ferry makes it easily accessible.
60. In tram
In a tram
The appointed is set for the tram stop location. Of the two friends who are meeting, one is already on the tram. The other jumps on when he spots the friend.
61. Un’auto per una settimana
A car for the week
A traveler arriving to Italy by plane or ship may need to rent a car if the trip is going to be extensive.
62. Una corsa in taxi
A taxi route
Taxi cabs cannot be hailed in the streets of Italy. They file into a designated area and the first on the line takes the fare.
63. In farmacia
At the pharmacy
A severe headache will hinder daily activities. If the proper medication is not available, a local pharmacist can be helpful.
64. Dal dottore
At the doctor
A doctor visit for a check-up or a prescription, can be a nuisance. Speeding up the process can alleviate the torment.
65. Dal dentist
At the dentist
No one enjoys dentist visits; but, they are inevitable when dealing with a bad toothache.
66. Al pronto soccorso
In the emergency room
There is an accident, or a fall; and suddenly any movement causes excruciating pain. What’s the remedy? Take yourself to the emergency room.
67. Non mi sento bene
I don’t feel well
If a student takes ill in school, authorities will attempt to determine the cause. The parent(s) are then contacted and the child is sent home.
68. Visita in ospedale
Visit to a hospital
Hospital visits to an elderly relative help to diminish the unpleasantness of the stay.
69. Ordinazione e menù
Ordering and the menu
At the restaurant, one carefully studies the menu prior to ordering. Then, a selection is made that is usually not prepared at home.
70. Porto da bere?
May I take your drinks order?
Sometimes, the beverage order also requires some thought; particularly if one is unsure of consuming the entirety.
71. Ristorante vegetariano
Vegetarian restaurant
Restaurant patrons are usually surprised to discover deliciously healthy meals at a vegetarian restaurant
72. Pagare il conto
The check
At the end of the meal the person who did the inviting asks for the check. Among friends, they usually go “alla romana”, aka, “going Dutch”.
73. Lamentele al ristorante
Complaints at the restaurant
Sometimes a patron may voice a complaint about the meal at a restaurant, and the waiter and manager will attend to rectifying the matter.
74. Sono a dieta
I am on diet
Should one take ill, the physician prescribes a light diet with minimal seasonings, to prevent further complications.
75. Cambio dollaro/euro
Currency exchange
Purchasing local currency in advance is highly recommended when traveling to a foreign country.
76. Dal parrucchiere
At the hairstylist
Short hair or a particular style? Our heroine is still unsure as she enters the salon.
77. In lavanderia
At the dry-cleaner
To prevent damaging one’s formal business attire, a person living alone usually requires the services of a professional dry cleaner.
78. Una spesa settimanale
Weekly purchases
When doing weekly supermarket shopping, creating a shopping list will prevent one from forgetting any items.
79. Negozio di scarpe
The shoe store
With change of season comes wardrobe and shoes update. The shopping is great fun but requires focus.
80. Un vestito elegante
A formal dress
A wedding requires formal attire, but best to purchase an outfit which can be worn to more than one event. Garments can be costly.
81. Check-in
Two students have made reservations and are in the hotel reception area. The receptionist checks the information.
82. Check-out
At the end of the stay, the same students return card keys and settle the invoice.
83. Colazione in camera
Breakfast room service
The breakfast room service order was not placed in time and now requires a thirty minute wait time.
84. Prego non disturbare
Do not disturb
Several students enter a hotel hall where a conference on climate is being held. A subway breakdown has made them late to the presentation and they are upset.
85. Deposito bagagli
Baggage storage
The hotel bill is settled and there is time left to tour the city before departure. Where can one leave the bags during the final touring?
86. Informazioni e prenotazioni
Information and reservations
A group of students needs two rooms during Easter weekend in a centrally located hotel of a popular destination city. One of them places a call to obtain information.
87. Venezia, un giro in gondola
A gondola ride
A trip to Venezia, six friends and a wish to discover a marvelous city. They discuss and plan how to proceed.
88. Firenze, sul Campanile di Giotto
Firenze, on the Giotto belltower
In the heart of Firenze, three extraordinary monuments overlook the same square: la Cattedrale, Campanile di Giotto and il Battistero.
89. Roma, al Colosseo e dintorni
Roma, at the Colosseo (Coloseum)
Roma is so full of artifacts, it would require weeks or months to see them all. But one in particular not to be missed ,is the Colosseo.
90. Pompei, tra gli scavi
Pompei, among the ruins
Jennifer is very pleased with the online photo album she created of her vacation. She explains the process she followed to her friends.
91. Pisa, una torre da sostenere?
Pisa, a tower to support
A tower that has leaned dangerously over the centuries and is still standing, is something of a mystique. For this reason alone, it is worth seeing at least once in a lifetime.
92. Siena, una piazza e una corsa di cavalli
Siena, a piazza and a horse race
Siena’s Piazza del Campo is very beautiful. It has a unique shape and red faced structures surround it; all overseen by the majestic tower.
93. Agrigento, la Valle dei Templi
Agrigento, the Valley of the Temples
A trip to Sicily is not complete without a stop in Agrigento and the Valley of the Temples; an archeological area of extraordinary beauty.
94. Caserta, una Reggia da fiaba
Caserta, a fairy tale Palace
At the center of a stupendous garden overflowing with dancing fountains and statues, is La Reggia (Royal Palace) of Caserta, built in 1700.
95. Le Cinque Terre, paesi tra cielo e mare
Le Cinque Terre, lands amidst sky and sea
Once can get to the towns by land, via train or by sea, on a boat. The spectacular cliff views however, are only visible by ferry.
96. Milano, alla scoperta del Genio
Milano, in search of Leonardo’s genius
Don’t think of declining an invitation to see Leonardo da Vinci’s L’Ultima Cena (The Last Supper). These tickets are almost impossible to get!
97. La mia camera
My room
A friend arrives unexpectedly and invites you on a stroll downtown. You chat on the topic, “My room is a disaster.”
98. In salotto
In the living room
The living room is perfect for hosting friends and conversing comfortably. It is also a perfect place to relax after a long day.
99. La sala da pranzo
The dining room
The dining room is reserved for festive family gatherings, and great care is then taken to prepare the table.
100. Appartamento o casa con giardino
Apartment, or a house with garden?
Students return home to their families when summer exams are completed. Some live in cities; others have hillside homes.
101. Vado in piscina
Going to the pool
Ready for the pool? Checked the bag? Everything there? The bathing suit, change of clothes, bathrobe… yes!
102. Siamo tifosi
We are fans
It is impossible to be calm while watching a soccer game. One cheers for one’s team and discusses plays with other spectators.
103. Una corsa campestre
Cross country race
Cross country racing is the most popular competition among students because it doesn’t require special skills; only a little training.
104. Una partita a tennis
A tennis match
Among a group of friends, there is always one person who arrives late to appointments and causes disagreements. And, there is also the one who blames others for having played badly.